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Sunday services at Grace Academy are running as normal with services starting at 10:30am. If you're not able to join us in person, you can access the messages on our podcast on iTunes The Church at Junction 10 Podcasts. Or why not go through our video archives for recorded sessions.
We are excited to have AOG England Director Roy Morley speaking to us today. You are very welcome to join us from 10:55am. Sunday Service 24 January 2021
Join us for our service with guest Cathy Madavan. Cathy is an accomplished speaker and author who travels the globe, equipping others to live with courage, confidence and resilience. Today she will be encouraging us from Philippians Chapter 3. We will be taking communion during this service. Sunday Service 17 January 2021
Join us for our Sunday Service 10 January 2021with guest speaker Dave Lawrence speaking on The Woman Who Did What She Could !
Join us for our second Sunday in advent as we continue our series on Hope with speaker Kevin Davis and we take communion together this week. J10 Sunday Service 6th December 2020
Join us as we continue our advent series looking at hope, with speakers Vicky and Will Foster. Music in this video. Sunday Service 13 December 2020.
It's the first Sunday of Advent, and Rachel kicks off our Advent Series with a message titled 'Messengers of Hope'. It's going to be a great morning - hope you can join us! Sunday Service 29 November 2020.
Join us as Will Foster asks "Who do you think you are?" Sunday Service 22 November 2020
Join us for worship, communion and our speaker Gemma Akani encouring us on the topic of Pain and Joy. Sunday Service 15 November 2020
Join us for our service which includes the Act of Remembrance and Silence. We will then conclude our Romans series by looking at Chapter 6.
Join us as we continue our series on Romans with speaker Phil Miles.